
4. Possible applications

Possible applications: multi-user games, on-line education, simulations, virtual communities, teledirection of robots over the internet... just about everything from industry to entertainment depending on your imagination, skills and interests. In example: a software agent will read your e-mail, newsgroups, favourite web sites, recognize which messages/articles you are interested in, and discards those that you do not want to read. Such agents can buy data, products, and services on your behalf, even anonymously.

5. Conclusion

VRSpace is not the one and only asynchronous event distribution & 3d streaming system, AliceBot is the not one and only chatbot, JBoss is not the one and only application server, NeuroGrid is not the one and only distributed search engine, JXTA is not the one and only p2p.

All software that you need for the cyberspace of your dreams lies around you, you just have to "pick" it up and make it to work together. We have chosen open standards and open source, because we think that real success of cyberspace will depend mainly on number of users and developers. Open standard is the only guarantee to user and system integrator that they can choose best implementation, and open source is the only guarantee that another developer can take over development.
Number of open-source developers on SourceForge at this moment reach number of 500.000, and everything they develop, you can install on many computers as you wish, make as many copies as you wish and give them to your friends or distribute it with some computer magazine - freely (not only that it is free, but you also have the right to distribute it to anyone you want until you give it for free):

Society needs information that is truly available to its citizens---for example, programs that people can read, fix, adapt, and improve, not just operate. But what software owners typically deliver is a black box that we can't study or change. Society also needs freedom. When a program has an owner, the users lose freedom to control part of their own lives.
And above all society needs to encourage the spirit of voluntary cooperation in its citizens. When software owners tell us that helping our neighbours in a natural way is "piracy'', they pollute our society's civic spirit. This is why we say that free software is a matter of freedom, not price.
(Why Software Should Not Have Owners by Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation,

But regardless of our estimation, users will make a choice, and the main purpose of this paper is to give notice to users and developers that all the necessary technology already exists.